In Ground Tornado Shelter Technology For North Texas
A quick message from the creators of the latest In Ground Tornado Shelter Technology
“When the massive tornado hit Tuscaloosa, AL in April of 2011 we were shocked at the loss of life along with the images of the devastation and destruction of property. Although the
loss of life is always a tragic event, we were stunned by some of the stories caused by the debris field left in the path of the storm. The killer storms, with all its intensity, left behind a
crumbled, broken and shattered debris field more than three feet thick. Consequently, many people became trapped and could not get out of their shelters due to the weight of the debris. They simply could not open the hinged door. Many in this situation were trapped for hours until they were rescued.
This led us to ask the question, “Is there a better way?”
This new design of Tornado Shelter solved that question. Many common shelters today have doors hinged on one side and must be pushed out to open. For some people, the th
ought of being trapped inside for an extended period of time would be devastating. We wanted to construct a shelter which would allow you to escape, even if trapped under a debris field. This patented design Tornado Shelter comes with a sliding door which can easily be removed by extracting the hinge pins from the inside and releasing the door from within. This allows the movement of the hatch in a number of directions, if required, to exit the shelter.”
Here in North Texas we are experiencing a population explosion. These new homes are currently being built upon “Tornado Alley”. Absolutely Bushed Landscaping has teamed up with an innovated team of designers and experts that have created a new and improved design of in ground tornado shelters. These will provide protection for the large scale F5 tornadoes. These new shelters are affordable and now aesthetically pleasing. These attractive in ground tornado shelters blend in well with any landscape design. Homeowners now have custom color choice options with our in ground tornado shelters.
Please be aware that tornadoes strike anytime of the year and any time of the day. In Texas almost two-thirds occur in the spring with May being the most active month. Now is a great time to install an in ground tornado shelter. Current tornado statistics can be misleading. Many that touch down in the evening or in very remote areas go unreported. Experts suggest that only one-third to a half of them are even counted. Texas still has had 8,759 tornadoes from 1950 up until 2015!
Install An In Ground Shelter to Take Refuge From a Tornado
Remember to always take tornado warnings seriously. Assume every tornado is a deadly one. No two tornadoes are exactly alike and during all stages of their life cycle a tornado is capable of massive destruction. Know the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning. Have a family game plan. When a tornado warning is issued you have typically 15 mintues to take shelter. We recommend our in ground tornado shelters because if a tornado totally destroys your home, you may have to wait inside until your house debris is cleared off before you can exit. They are also extremely problematic to install in a pre-existing home. You will be surprise how affordable it is to have this latest technology incorporated into your backyard.
We are the only landscape company that for the past 37 years has cared for your home’s value and now we want to protect your family’s lives. Call us at (972) 231-4675 for more information or Fill Out a Contact Form