Houseplants not even YOU can KILL…!!!
Okay, so I already know what you’re thinking. Yea right Jimmie you don’t know me, I can kill anything!! Believe me, being in my business I have heard it all from clients! However, I have a list of six or seven really hearty houseplants that you would have to try really hard to kill. Not that you wouldn’t be successful with enough dedicated neglect but I have seen people leave for the summer and come back to these plants basically saying ” Is that all you got?” Let’s take a look at some of these tougher than nails houseplants that will keep your green thumb confident!

Golden pothos vine (Epipremnum pinnatum ‘aureum’)
There’s a reason this vine is one of the most popular hanging plants around. In its native habitat, golden pothos grow into a tree-swallowing monster with huge yellow and green leaves. As a houseplant, the plant will grow aggressively from pots or trailing baskets with minimal care. They will easily root in a simple glass of water. With better care, large, mottled, mature leaves may actually develop for you.

Spider plant (Chlorophytum)
A well-grown spider plant is a magnificent thing. The plant grows easily in baskets or atop columns, with arching leaves. The variegated variety is by far the most common. Over time, a mature plant will send out plantlets or offsets on long stems that form an impressive hanging display. These plantlets can be easily potted up to create new specimens. Spider plants are not picky about water, light, temperature or that huge spider web that’s been growing near it for the last three months you just haven’t got around to yet..

Actually, in the same family that includes dracaena and liriope, there are many varieties of sansevieria that are exceptionally tough. They like plenty of light, but they can handle less if necessary and they aren’t too particular about watering—providing it isn’t too much. When repotting is necessary, the main clump can be easily divided. These plants are striking additions to a collection. The snake plant features green on green bands on sword-like leaves, while the mother-in-law’s tongue has yellow variegated type leaves. And I mean come on, with a name like “Mother-In-Laws Tongue”? What did you really expect?

Dracaena species
There are many varieties of dracaena suitable for home growth. The D. Draco and D. Marginata are wonderfully easy plants that tolerate a wide variety of conditions. These plants feature arching leaves from a woody stem. Dracaena leaves are usually green, yellow and green, or even tri-colored. Also a member of the agave family, they like to be regularly watered in the summer and almost left dry throughout the winter. D. A fragrance is often used to make the popular Ti plants, or false palms as well.
Succulents and Cacti

These plants have basically gained an unfair reputation, probably because of the difficulty required to coax a bloom from a bromeliad. It’s true that making these jungle plants bloom in the house can be a tricky task. They require copious warmth and water, along with high humidity and filtered light, to produce their showy flower spikes. However, many species of bromeliads have beautiful leaves that are attractive by themselves. Bromeliads plants are usually watered by filling the central cup. They require little fertilizer, and when pups appear around the base of the plant, these can be separated and potted up to grow your collection.

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
Technically a dracaena species, lucky bamboo is the perennial office plant. Untold pots of these thrive in awful conditions, sporadically watered with bad lighting and poor air quality. Nevertheless, lucky bamboo lives on. These make wonderful gift plants, and many people believe they bring good luck and enhance the chi, or energy, of their surroundings.
These houseplants are some of the best to start your collection. They are all easy to grow and can generally withstand erratic watering, uneven or bad light, and fluctuating temperatures. They’ll thrive in dorm rooms, offices and sometimes over in that dismal corner you have where nothing else seems to grow. Until next time…Happy Gardening