Site icon Landscaping, Outdoor Kitchens, Pool Renovation |Frisco, Plano, Prosper, Mckinney

A Frisco Landscaping Pool Project Southwest Style

Landscaping With A Southwest and Tropical Mix

Before Project Start

When our Frisco landscape design team of Absolutely Bushed Landscaping first met our client in a beautiful subdivision, we spent a lot time, as we always do with new clients. We walked around the premises and listened to all input our Frisco homeowner had in mind about her upcoming landscaping project.

The Challenge

The pool equipment area was overrun with years of weed growth. Due to an original installation of a thin layer of decorative gravel, dirt was exposed in some areas. This is not uncommon; we frequently come across this scenario in many of our landscaping projects.  The main exterior of the pool area contained well established Bermuda sod, as you can see in the before pictures.

The Vision

The Result: Absolutely Bushed Landscaping

During the initial visit with our Frisco client we discovered that she was raised up north in a very cold environment. One her dreams as a child was that one day she really wished she could have a Palm tree!! When she and her family moved to Frisco, she heard that we do actually have some types of Palm trees that not only survive – but thrive – here in our great state!

She also expressed great interest in a Southwest design feel; and really loved the thought of decorative aggregate, rocks, gravel, Yuccas and drought resistant, low maintenance types of plantings. The Absolutely Bushed Landscaping team went to work; creating a design plan, putting it all on paper, and presenting it to our newest client!

Cost Becomes an Obstacle

She absolutely loved the game plan but there was only one problem: we were way over budget. Our design called for of the main rock to go everywhere; replacing the standard mulch you see in most Frisco landscaping beds. The owner absolutely loved the type of large rock. But cost, as with most projects, can be an overriding factor. We immediately went to work for her, not changing her dream but just revising it a bit.  That is the beauty of what we do.  And why so many of our clients over the past 30+ years are repeat customers.

A Solution and The Plan

The Tropical Yardscape

We revised the design to include the rock she really loved. Our design called for the rock to be installed in focal anchor areas only. This not only lowered the costs of the overall project – but also made all of the ornamental anchors installed really stand out aesthetically. The remainder of the bed areas we designed to use a much less expensive decorative smaller rock. The rock served as the permanent mulch in the design.

Beautiful and Low Maintenance

This particular design is a “less plants is more” design to lower the maintenance, increase awareness of the types of rocks used – and make using less plants more visually attractive.

Once again the design team of Absolutely Bushed Landscaping designed and delivered: achieving our Frisco client’s vision!

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