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Dallas Landscaping Design

dallas landscape desing

Your Trusted Dallas Landscape Design Company for Almost 40 Years-Absolutely Bushed  

Landscape designs focus on both the integrated master landscape planning of a property and the specific garden design of landscape elements and plants within it. The practical, aesthetic, horticultural, and environmental sustainability components merit Landscape design inclusion. It is often divided into hardscape design and softscape design. Landscape designers often collaborate with related disciplines such as architecture and geography, soils and civil engineering, surveying, landscape contracting, botany, and artisan specialties. A Dallas landscaping design project focus can tend towards: in landscape design – artistic composition and artisanship, horticultural finesse and expertise, and a detailed site involvement emphasis from concepts through construction; whereas in landscape architecture – focus of urban planning, city and regional parks, civic and corporate landscapes, large scale interdisciplinary projects, and delegation to contractors after completing designs.  Absolutely Bushed Landscaping is well equipped on handling a wide variety of Dallas landscaping design projects.  We are well trusted for over 30 years.  We are a 3rd generation family business.  Absolutely Bushed Landscaping was founded by a Vietnam War Veteran and continues to have on staff U.S military veterans and employ disabled veterans in our business.

Our Landscape Design Approach

We take factors in designing include objective qualities; such as the our area climate; topography and orientation, site drainage and groundwater recharge; municipal and resource building codes, soils and irrigation, human and vehicular access and circulation, furnishings and lighting, native plant habitat botany when present, property safety and security usually with landscape lighting, and other measurable considerations. Factors we take in Dallas landscape design also include subjective qualities such as: genius loci (the special site qualities to emphasize); our client’s needs and preferences; desirable plants and elements to retain on site, modify, or replace, and available to use as borrowed scenery from beyond; artistic composition from perspectives of both looking upon and being in the gardens; spatial development and definition; plant palettes in designed layouts, and artistic focal points for enjoyment. There are innumerable other design factors and considerations brought to the complex process of designing a garden that is beautiful, well functioning, and thrives over time.

A Garden for Your Dallas Landscaping Design Project

Planting design requires design talent and aesthetic judgment combined with a good level of horticultural, ecological and cultural knowledge. It includes two major traditions: formal rectilinear planting design (Persia and Europe); and formal asymmetrical (Asia) and naturalistic planting design.

A landscaping bid by Absolutely Bushed gives specific instructions, about how the soil is to be prepared, what species are to be planted, what size and spacing are to be used and what maintenance operations are to be carried out under the contract. Owners of private gardens may also use planting plans, not for contractual purposes, as an aid to thinking about landscaping design and as a record of what has been planted. A planting strategy is a long term strategy for the design, establishment, and management of different types of vegetation in a landscape or garden.

Contact Us to Today!  972-231-4675

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